reporter working with a voice coach

 3 Hours + Practice = Better On-Air Presence

Why voice coaching

You know your on-camera voice and demeanor could be stronger, but you’re not quite sure where to start. Working with a voice coach can help you identify exactly what you haven’t been able to put your finger on, and provide you with the exercises you need to take your reporting and anchoring to the next level.

A series of zoom meetings

Our voice coaching lessons take place right from the comfort of your own home. Over the course of three calls, we will address your goals, concerns, and ultimate plans for your career. Then we dig into what is holding you back, and I walk you through my approach, which we customize to meet your vocal needs. In between calls, you’ll have exercises to work on, continually improving day by day. By our final call, you will feel more confident in your own skin (and voice!) on camera, with the tools you need to transform your media career.

How the calls work

When we first begin our work together, we will discuss what you do well on-air, and what you find challenging. You may have been given notes in the past that your voice is too high, you speak too fast, or the frustratingly vague critiques about on-camera confidence and needing to “connect” more with your stories. Then we set our goals for the next three months — what we intend to accomplish, and how we are going to get you there. This is where the practical work begins.

I create a customized approach for you based on your unique challenge areas, and I provide you with specific exercises to practice throughout your day. They often improve areas that include your breath, posture, pitch, tone, cadence, and other qualities. You’ll incorporate these vocal exercises into your daily routine, so that by the next time we speak, you’ll already see a noticeable difference in how you sound.

With more control over your voice, I also help your storytelling so it can match your refined ability to convey emotion with subtle vocal changes. This is when we dive into how you can give your stories more impact with better scripting, phrasing, strategic breathing, presentation, managing nerves, mindset, and more.

Most of my clients are 80% of the way there when I meet them. I provide the specific exercises they need to bring out the best qualities in their voice. That final 20% is a difference that makes audiences truly connect with what you’re saying. Audiences won’t know exactly what has changed, but they’ll know something is different because of how they feel when they see you on screen.

About more than your voice

One of the reasons I am so passionate about this work is that it gives me the opportunity to support my clients as we discuss the hopes, dreams, and fears they have for their career. Teaching is in my DNA, and I often find myself pulling from not only my media experience, but from my years as a college professor as well.

Your voice is one of your personal assets because it comes from deep within who you are, and I am honored each time I help a client dig deep to find what is authentically beneath. Expanding your professionalism and building your confidence are the keys to unlocking your on-screen charisma, and I am here to help you discover what I know is already there.

at the end of 3 months…

  • You’ll deliver the news more professionally with authenticity and authority

  • You’ll have a bolder on-air presence that will build your confidence

  • You’ll be armed with a toolbox of vocal and writing strategies to prepare you for any situation

  • You’ll show up as your best on-air self, making you attractive to bigger markets and better jobs

  • While the audience may not know exactly how you’ve improved, they’ll know something changed, and your news director will likely be thrilled with your on-air improvement

News voiceover recording station